Nobody ever said, “I wish I’d spent more of my weekend plunging the toilet.”

But if your toilet won’t unclog with a plunger, you may already have spent, oh… hours ramming a stick into the porcelain throne. That’s no fun! You’ve probably plunged a toilet or two in your day, so you’re not sure what’s going on here.

Why won’t the plunger unclog the toilet? What am I supposed to do about this?

We get it. Plunging and plunging to no avail would make just about anybody throw in the towel (just don’t throw it in the toilet… that would make the problem worse). Here are a few reasons why your plunger might not be getting the job done and some solutions for breaking up the clog.

You might be using the plunger wrong

When it comes to plunging, your technique matters quite a lot. So does the condition of the toilet.

First, make sure you’re using a flange plunger and that there is water covering the plunger itself. If the water level is low, the plunger may not seal properly or achieve the suction it needs to be effective. Pour water into the toilet if you need to.

Position the plunger directly over the drain opening and plunge slowly and gently a few times. This ensures you have a good seal. After that, plunge vigorously – but not violently! – for about 30 seconds. Be sure not to lift the plunger and break the seal while you’re plunging!

If you’ve used this technique and still can’t unclog the toilet, the problem may be that…

The clog is deeper down

A plunger may not work well for a deep clog. For that, you’ll need a plumber’s snake. You may even need a camera inspection to find where the clog is so that a plumber can break it up.

That’s right. For deep clogs, you may have to call a plumber.

Why would you have a toilet clog that’s deep down in the pipes? Here are a few reasons:

  • Wet wipes:
  • They’re not actually flushable! We know, it says they’re flushable on the packaging. They aren’t.

  • Paper towels, cotton balls, feminine hygiene products:
  • Basically anything that isn’t human waste or toilet paper has no business in your toilet. It can clog things up in a hurry, forcing you to call a plumber to fix it.

  • Your kids put something in the toilet:
  • This happens a lot. Junior thought it would be fun to watch his action figures go for a swim. Now your toilet won’t unclog with a plunger and you’re wondering why.

For the deep down stuff, you’ll probably need a plumber to find the clog, bring in the tools, and break it up. A plunger just won’t do in these situations.

Things not to do when you have this problem

Some people think that when you have a deep clog, you can cut a wire coat hanger and send it down the drain to fish out the clog.

Don’t do this.

A coat hanger will scratch up the inside of your toilet bowl. Plus, if you have a really deep clog, it’s not going to work anyway.

On a similar note, if you own a plumber’s snake made for sinks, don’t use it in your toilet! Much like the coat hanger, it will scratch things up. Plus, it’s not really equipped to break up the sorts of clogs you’re more likely to find below your toilet.

Another thing we’ve seen is people plunging too hard, which breaks the seal between the toilet and your bathroom floor. This can make your toilet leak, which is another plumbing problem you definitely don’t want! Remember earlier when we said to plunge vigorously but not violently? That’s why.

If you’re still asking “Why won’t my toilet unclog with a plunger?”…

…or if you’ve never lasso’d a plumbing snake through a nasty toilet clog, you probably need to call a plumber.

At PV Heating & Air, our plumbing pros will find your clog, bust it up, and make your toilet flush again. Plunging all afternoon is no fun at all. For the deep and dirty stuff, calling a pro is the best solution.

If you live in Metro Atlanta and can’t figure out how to unclog your toilet, PV can help! Give us a call at (404) 994-2229 today or fill out the form below.

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