May 30

Want Instant Hot Water? Then You Want One of These

Most of us don’t like to wait for things, and hot water is no exception. In many homes, waiting for hot water to arrive can… View Article Read More

Person Holding a Plunger Over a Toilet
January 2

Why Your Toilet Won’t Unclog With a Plunger

Nobody ever said, “I wish I’d spent more of my weekend plunging the toilet.” But if your toilet won’t unclog with a plunger, you may… View Article Read More

Water heaters in Atlanta, GA
October 10

When to Replace a Water Heater

If it ain’t broke, then don’t, um… you know how this goes. That’s pretty much our advice when it comes to water heaters. As long… View Article Read More

Water filtration in Atlanta, GA
October 10

Reverse Osmosis and Whole-House Water Filtration, Demystified

Is your tap water safe to drink? When you properly treat your water, you don’t have to worry about drinking water quality – you’ll know… View Article Read More

Water Heaters in Atlanta, GA
October 4

How Safe is Your Water Heater, Really?

Water heaters, in a lot of ways, are your home’s forgotten appliance. If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t service your water heater regularly…. View Article Read More

Water Heaters in Atlanta, GA
October 3

Who Wins the Tank vs Tankless Water Heaters Contest?

Everyone loves hot water, but what type of water heater is the best? Most folks still have conventional tanks, but we also see a lot… View Article Read More

Water Heaters in Atlanta, GA
September 23

What Type of Water Heater Should You Buy?

Fifteen years ago, choosing a new water heater was pretty simple. A plumber dropped by, disconnected and removed your old tank, and replaced it with… View Article Read More